The Star Room

The Star Room

Space and time to grieve in a supported environment

Sadly, many of the children Charlie House supports are likely to live short lives. Our Star Room is a dedicated and very private space for families to spend precious time together after a child has died. This is a truly special place where they can treasure memories, invite visitors, be alone and take the time they may need to begin the grieving process.

Support during the most difficult time

Support during the most difficult time

Families will have the choice to move their child from home, hospital or within the centre to the Star Room. Our specialist support team will be there with them every step of the way, providing them with bereavement support for as long they need. The Star Room has an adjacent lounge and access to a walled garden for privacy during an incredibly difficult time.

The Therapeutic Play Area acts as a base to deliver therapeutic and emotional support sessions for children, siblings, and parents in a safe, calm environment.

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Please Dig Deep

Children across the North-east urgently need the support that our specialist facility will provide. Your generosity will help us to build it.